
Oh, my sweet candles. I could write forever of how much I love candles.
I am a slight pyromaniac; I love watching things get consumed by fire and the transformation that objects go through. Burning paper outside in a metal drum? My thing. Forest fires? Not so much.
Chris jokes that our house would be a fire risk if he let me indulge in my love as much as I long to; they don't have to be fancy ones, or expensive ones, they just have to be candle-like.
Currently, I have Snow Fall by Lily Flame Ltd. burning, and it smells of a mixture between vanilla body butter and almond spice. It was a christmas present from my wonderful mother in law (who carries a flame for candles herself, no pun intended) and with a burn time of 35 hours (35!), I am like a pig in mud. Not only does it have an insane burn time, it also has it's own little tin (which you can guarantee will end up in my crafts box) and glassware (which will get broken by clumsy me).  I will be burning this intermittently throughout the year to remind me of the christmas spirit.



  1. I can't claim credit I'm afraid. It's off the Lily Flame website.

  2. I also have a love for candles. I may have to give this candle a try. It sounds pretty awesome! I'm not a huge Yankee Candle fan but I have a love for the mistletoe scented one that I'm currently obsessed with!

