I recently started fingerboarding properly (as in, actually trying to land tricks etc) and as a joke, filmed this. And then Chris convinced me to post it to youtube. And then Kerry joked about posting it to his blog. And I freaked!
Having a video posted to Unite is the fingerboarding equivalent of winning an Oscar/Emmy/BAFTA etc. It's a genuine honor, because it means that you've earned your place to an extent; that you've been noticed and your skill/style is good enough to justify Kerry sharing it with the other big names in the FB industry. In saying that, it sounds pretty lame doesn't it? We're skating with our fingers.
But have you ever heard of TechDecks? Have you ever tried to ollie? It's pretty freaking hard. Darian, Marie and Axel star in this video, and it is sick. Just their style, their technique and their skills...still think it's sad?

You probably still do, and that's ok. I'm cool with that. But the people that I have met through fingerboarding, through FBHQ, are pretty awesome. Chris and I are taking a cheeky road-trip in February (Valentines weekend actually) to go to a meet-up that a friend is hosting; we'll finally get to hang out with friends in a place that isnt google+!

We have been blessed beyond measure this month; Chris is starting a new job and I got a cheeky extra from the Government, so we're feeling quite flush. But the Bible teaches that we're to be generous with all we have, not just with a section of it, so with that in mind, we have decided to bless our brother from another mother with a lift back down to Bristol. Kerry is one of the MuN sponsors, but he wasn't able to afford getting to Manchester from Bristol and back, so we've offered him a lift. In return, we're getting to explore Bristol with a true Bristolian and I get to experience the food culture in both Bristol and Manchester! We are crazy excited (I think I'm more excited than Chris is to be honest) about getting to meet up with everyone, and I'm bringing cookies.

Hopefully I'll be able to grab some decent shots, and there'll definately be a few clips of the event, so stay tuned. Or not, if you don't give a crap.
But you should :)


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